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STREAM in-person workshops help you feel STREAM come to life in your hands and in your practice.

STREAM Workshop I is required
as part of your First-Year training.

STREAM Certification requires from one to three additional workshops for Second-Year students

Lean in - to anatomy
We make it fun like never before, promise!

Next, put STREAM principles to work-
body-based learning at our workshops makes it real

Then - get ready for results
feel STREAM come to life in your body
with clients in your clinic or doing self-care at home


What Students are saying about STREAM Workshops

"I'm having a lot of, “Wow–talk about gifts!” Ever since the workshop, I'm enthralled by this whole program - I've been uncovering in a deeper way & able to bring all of me. It really feels like a gift - I'm absolutely loving it."
yoga teacher, British Columbia
Dawlish wash_edited_edited_edited_edited.png


All workshops take place in Ashland, Oregon


The cost of your STREAM Certification Program includes all required workshop fees

Travel, food, and lodging costs are up to you

Workshops build progressively, based on material from previous workshops

We highly recommend that each workshop be taken in order


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STREAM HEALTH COACHES take two workshops within two years:

STREAM WORKSHOP I  Bodies, Bones, & Trauma: unseen scars & the mind/body connection in May of YR I

STREAM WORKSHOP II  The Four Domains of Health: assessment methods & solutions in May of YR II


STREAM BODYWORKERS take three workshops within two years:

STREAM WORKSHOP I  Bodies, Bones, & Trauma: unseen scars & the mind/body connection in May of YR I

STREAM WORKSHOP II  The Four Domains of Health: assessment methods & solutions in May of YR I or YR II

STREAM WORKSHOP III  Where Muscle Meets Bone: bodywork to address scars in Oct/Nov of YR II


STREAM PELVIC CARE SPECIALISTS take four workshops within two-to-three years

STREAM WORKSHOP I  Bodies, Bones, & Trauma: unseen scars & the mind/body connection in May of YR I

STREAM WORKSHOP II  The Four Domains of Health: assessment methods & solutions in May of YR I or YR II

STREAM WORKSHOP III  Where Muscle Meets Bone: bodywork to address scars in Oct/Nov of YR II or YR III

STREAM WORKSHOP IV  Pelvic Scars, Injuries & Surgeries: optimizing pelvic care Oct/Nov of YR II or YR III

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MAY 16-19


unseen scars & the mind-body connection

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Workshops are open to STREAM students only

STREAM Graduate Cost: $950

Date: May 16–19 2024

Time: 8:45 am–5:45 pm



The next time this four-day workshop will be offered is May 16 – 19, 2024. This workshop is required for all STREAM trainees and certification candidates, regardless of their certification track. We expect space for a few non-STREAM students to attend.



Addressing our connection to clients and their buried stories is foundational to the STREAM approach. The focus of this workshop is twofold, providing new techniques for somatic work while expanding your understanding of the nervous system and its range.

Dive deep into active listening; co-regulation is where we begin. Embody your listening skills through hands-on work, sharing weight and holding bones. Our bones have stories to tell.


Trust engendered by body-to-body connection allows stories to emerge organically. The somatic work in this workshop requires everyone to be self-responsible for their own weight when in contact with another body. 


This workshop sheds light on our unseen scars. We must become aware of the nature of unseen scars before examining their role in our lives.





unseen scars & the mind/body connection in 2024

*required for all STREAM trainees and certification candidates



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Workshops are open to STREAM students only

STREAM Graduate Cost: $950-

Date: May 23–26, 2024

Time: 8:45 am–5:45 pm



The first time this workshop will be offered is in late May of 2024. This workshop is required for all STREAM certification candidates, regardless of their certification track. 


This is the second and final workshop required for STREAM Health Coach candidates. We expect to have space for a few non-STREAM students to attend.



Let's face it: while STREAM can remediate scars of all kinds, without good assessment skills, you're shooting in the dark when treating clients with complex problems.

You offer your best, but too often, clients with multi-factorial symptoms don't progress—or not much. Instead, they spin in the maze of alternative treatments, suffering because they lack a big enough picture.

How do you slow their spin and accurately evaluate your client's symptoms to determine the REAL cause of pain or dysfunction?




assessment methods & solutions in 2024

*required for all STREAM trainees and certification candidates



Because accurate assessment is essential to address complex health problems (seen and unseen), you must build a bridge between your client's presenting complaint and the identity of the one thing that keeps that complaint active.


That's the art of assessment. But how?


STREAM works at the crossroads where biochemistry, biomechanics, emotions, and scar tissue intersect.


In this workshop, you'll learn to evaluate the influence of these four health domains on your client's symptom(s), root out the deeper cause, and walk them to their next step to change the one thing. Rinse and repeat, and "mysteriously," their symptom resolves.


But hold on, there's more! The subtle and not-so-subtle actions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) can eclipse the four domains - and blow your best efforts right out of the water. How can we even begin to parse this complexity?


That sounds like a tall order! However, this workshop explains how to separate the primacy of the ANS from the Four Domains of Health. It's a comprehensive, comprehensible, and efficient system that produces palpable results. It works best when qualified clients are ready to make the trek without wasting their time or yours.


Heck, we even teach you how to identify those clients! That way, no one's time or money gets wasted. And who wouldn't want that?


Our job as STREAM practitioners is to educate our clients. They must understand the consequences of what they eat and how they digest. They must recognize that the pain they feel and the capacity of their nervous system are related.


They must understand that scar tissue is a bigger problem than they realized. They must recognize whether their emotions are fully metabolized and integrated (or not).


Finally, what can they do to help themselves? The secret goal of practical assessment and reflection is to help clients understand their "why" when it's time to comply. Then, they're ready, even eager, to use the rich palette of valuable tools that STREAM practitioners offer to speed self-healing.


Their spin cycle is over. They now participate in their health without much friction until they feel better. Everyone wins, especially you!

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Workshops are open to STREAM students only

STREAM Graduate Cost: $950

Date: Oct 24 –27, 2024

Time: 8:45 am–5:45 pm




Gain comfort with new ways to see the anatomy that bridges the gap between muscular and emotional tension. You’ll improve your perceptual abilities by leaning into the difference between perception and projection.


By examining the relationship between emotions, posture, and structure (and the through-line connecting them), you'll develop the ability to accurately read and help your client’s body at energetic and structural levels.


Discover the importance of consent and how the body’s needs for somatic consent differ from traditional cognitive models.


Decoupling scars from emotions is powerful work. We’ll examine various scars, their origins, and how to parse treatment at emotional and postural levels.





bodywork to address scars in 2024

*required for STREAM Bodywork Certification Candidates



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Workshops are open to STREAM students only

STREAM Graduate Cost: $950

Date: Oct 31–Nov 4, 2024

Time: 8:45 am–5:45 pm




Successfully navigate pelvic landmarks during this four-day immersion while accurately identifying scar tissue from abdominal and pelvic floor injuries.


Get ready to visualize and palpate the pelvis in three dimensions. You'll learn to map all aspects of the pelvis, preparing clients for the benefits of scar tissue remediation. Learn bony & connective tissue landmarks and how scars impact healthy function.  


Clients often lack the language to describe their pelvic floors. Empower clients by teaching them how to locate their own pelvic landmarks and how scars affect the pleasure of healthy sexual, elimination,

and digestive functions.





optimizing pelvic care in 2024

*required for STREAM Pelvic Care Certification candidates



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