Ellen has appeared on many podcasts over the years. Here are some of our favorites!

Boldly Embodied with
Juliana Rose Goldstone
We explore a unique perspective on pelvic health and how, using a holistic framework that includes emotions, biomechanics, and biochemistry, we can address the often-overlooked phenomenon of scars.
If you are a midwife or women's health practitioner or struggling with pelvic health issues, you will not want to miss this episode that connects some essential and frequently missed dots around pelvic health.
apple podcasts
Pleasure Tea with
Melissa Boyles
Some things we talk about in this episode are:
Self-pleasure practice as a rediscovery of self, especially after birth
Social and transgenerational conditions that lead to unconscious discouragement of self-pleasure
The role of neuroplasticity in fracturing these unconscious patterns
Self-care as a human birthright and as foundationally anti-capitalist or anti-materialism
The role of pheromones
Sex as a whole-body oxytocin-based orgasmic experience, as opposed to a dopamine-finality-based experience
A more holistic view of infertility through the lens of Ellen’s STREAM (scar tissue remediation education and management) approach

The Reclamation Podcast with
Julianne Vaccaro
Seen & Unseen Scars
Get on the inside track to learn how STREAM helps clients, students, and professionals using a deep menu of diverse methods and techniques. In this episode, Ellen & Julianne take dive deeply into biochemistry and how inflammation contributes to scar tissue.
The Erotic Philosopher
Cyndi Darnell
Somatics nerds gather 'round. This discussion with somatics expert and doyen sexological bodyworker Ellen Heed PhD, is a grand schooling into the machinations of sex, arousal, the body, pleasure and how these things work together. Not a light discussion, but a meaty inquiry, Ellen & Cyndi dive deep into how our bodies really work and how these functions inform sex and pleasure.

Organic Sexuality
with Rahi Chun
How Scar Tissue Remediation Can Resolve Painful Sex & Restore Pelvic Health
"I first came to know Ellen and her pioneering work in scar tissue remediation when she served as faculty in my Somatic Sex Education training at The Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. Her vast knowledge and in-depth expertise of the intersecting domains of our human embodiment and psyche continues to fascinate me. "
- Rahi Chun

The Real Undressed
Deborah Kagan
In this episode we speak about everything from:
Genital mapping and why it’s important
What Sexological Bodywork is
The arousal trajectory
Consent and the questions to ask any intimate partner
‘The Post Game Show’ and how it can enhance your intimacy (emotional and physical)
The surprising difference between orgasm and climax
Sex Birth Trauma
with Kimberly Ann Johnson
Ep. 30: Hormones, Pheromones & Postpartum Sex
Ellen shares what she is hearing from postpartum women in her office. How attachment, or lack thereof, between parents affects the dynamics of the family and the health of the child. What’s missing in the dialogue around sex postpartum. Biological realities of the postpartum time and how these affect libido. The need for a redefinition of a woman’s sexual self after birth. How sex can improve after the birth of a child. The four domains of pelvic health and how these affect libido, sexual function, and a woman’s overall feeling of physical well being.

Sex Birth Trauma
with Kimberly Ann Johnson
Ep. 20: Un-shaming, Radical Sexual Autonomy & the Real Deal on Pelvic Touchwork
Lots of great information about the four domains of pelvic health: the biochemical pelvis, the biomechanical pelvis, the all important scar tissue domain, and the emotional pelvis. Most importantly, what the shame matrix is, how it affects access to life as a whole, and why freeing yourself from it is *essential* before helping others with their sexuality. Your right to self pleasure and thoughts on radical sexual autonomy and patriarchal culture. All about reclaiming the erotic as love of life.
Sex Birth Trauma
with Kimberly Ann Johnson
Ep. 17: Four Domains of Pelvic Health- Biomechanics, Biochemistry, Trauma/Emotions & Scar Tissue
How to assess the origins of pain in the body, and the four domains of health. Your unconscious mind lives in your body! How castor oil and self-massage can to help heal your scar tissue. How those with elastic connective tissue are drawn toward yoga and veganism… and how that can contribute to tears and injuries during birth. How diet (especially eating animal products) influences pelvic floor healing.

Sex Birth Trauma
with Kimberly Ann Johnson
Ep. 14: STREAM School of Pelvic & Sexual Health, Sexological Bodywork & True Health
Today you will meet Ellen Heed- my mentor, the person who helped me heal my own birth injury and who paved the way for the new model of health that is culminating as the STREAM Certification Training.
apple podcasts